도서목록 (전체 35건)

검색 초기화

Home, School, and Community Relations
Carol Gestwicki
  • 정가38,000
  • 발행일2006-08-04
This practical text is designed to meet the needs of students, administrators, and teachers of children of all ages who are trying to create effective partnerships with families. It provides an over..
[D-9] Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Marjorie Kostelnik, Anne Soderman, Alice Whiren, A .◆ 품절 ◆
  • 정가39,000
  • 발행일2006-07-26
■ For Curriculum in Early Childhood Education Courses.This best-selling text has been thoroughly updated to include standards coverage and address all aspects of classroom life, including the roles ..
07214] Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods
Robert Bogdan, Sari Knopp Biklen
  • 정가30,000
  • 발행일2006-07-25
The purpose of this introductory-level text is to provide the reader with a background for understanding the uses of qualitative research in education (and other professions), to examine its theoret..
Play at the Center of the Curriculum
Judith Van Hoorn, Patricia M. Nourot, Barbara Scales, Keith Alward
  • 정가36,000
  • 발행일2006-05-09
For Play courses or Early Childhood Curriculum courses in Early Childhood Education departments and Child and Family Studies departments.This book discusses the value of play in diverse early childh..
[07212] Observing and Understanding Child Development
Debra Ahola, Abbe Kovacik
  • 정가23,000
  • 발행일2006-04-28
Observing and Understanding Child Development: A Child Study Manual is a text designed to help students and practitioners alike learn how to gather and interpret data to gain insight into child deve..
[09210] Math and Science for Young Children
Rosalind Charlesworth, Karen K. Lind
  • 정가39,000
  • 발행일2006-03-14
Math and Science for Young Children, 5e is a unique reference that focuses on the integration of math and science with the other important areas of child development during the crucial birth through..
Week by Week: Documenting the Development of Young Children
Barbara Ann Nilsen
  • 정가33,000
  • 발행일2004-06-17
Week by Week: Documenting the Development of Young Children presents the accepted methods of recording developmental observations, including their advantages and disadvantages, giving educators the ..
Teaching in the New Kindergartion
J. Amos Hatch
  • 정가23,000
  • 발행일2004-06-09
Supporting Children in Their Home, School, and Community
Dorothy Holin Sailor
  • 정가36,000
  • 발행일2003-11-04
This book promotes the values and examines the challenges of raising and educating children in a pluralistic society. The book covers a variety of cultures, family forms, learning styles and physica..
Teachers and Families Working Together
Deborah Diffily
  • 정가25,000
  • 발행일2003-10-09
Teachers and Families Working Together is a concise resource that details what teachers need to know to be effective in working with the families of young children. Chapters detail the benefits of f..