도서목록 (전체 3건)

검색 초기화

[07221] 50 Social Studies Strategies for K-8 Classrooms
Kathryn M. Obenchain, Ronald V. Morris
  • 정가27,000
  • 발행일2006-08-15
Here are 50 strategies for creating meaningful social studies experiences for K-8 students -- four overarching and forty-six specific strategies --organized alphabetically, accompanied by assessment..
[08112]Inquiry into Math, Science and Technology for Teaching Young Children
Arleen Pratt Prairie
  • 정가33,000
  • 발행일2006-03-21
Inquiry into Math, Science and Technology for Teaching Young Children uses current theory as foundation for the rich and varied math and science curriculum in preschool and kindergarten. The curricu..
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades K-3
John A. Van de Walle, Lou Ann H. Lovin
  • 정가29,000
  • 발행일2005-05-27
Including popular topics and features from the author’s market-leading textbook, Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, the Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series also offers brand-new mate..