도서 소개
For Play courses or Early Childhood Curriculum courses in Early Childhood Education departments and Child and Family Studies departments.
This book discusses the value of play in diverse early childhood classrooms and how curriculum can support play. Key changes to this edition include the integration of standards and examples of how encouraging certain types of play can meet standards, expanded coverage of cultural diversity and supporting play in children with special needs, and expanded coverage of integrating the content areas. More than any other books on play, this text focuses on how content areas can be taught and standards met through play.
1. Looking at Play Through Teachers’ Eyes
2. The Development of Play
3. Play as the Cornerstone of Development
4. Orchestrating Children’s Play: Setting the Stage
5. Orchestrating Play: Interactions with Children
6. Play as a Tool for Assessment
7. Mathematics in the Play-Centered Curriculum
8. Language, Literacy, and Play
9. Science in the Play-Centered Curriculum
10. The Arts in the Play-Centered Curriculum
11. Play and Socialization
12. Play, Toys, and Technology
13. Conclusions: Integrating Play, Development, and Practice
Name Index
Subject Index