도서 상세정보

[07212] Observing and Understanding Child Development

저자Debra Ahola, Abbe Kovacik

  • 발행일2006-04-28
  • ISBN9781418015367
  • 정가23,000
  • 페이지수192

도서 소개

Observing and Understanding Child Development: A Child Study Manual is a text designed to help students and practitioners alike learn how to gather and interpret data to gain insight into child development. It covers observation, developmental domains including patterns of development, child development theory, and communication. It features a unique and vitally important chapter on art, music, and movement development, and also covers special needs children in every chapter. Combined with many wonderful activities and a CD-ROM that includes guided observations via streaming video, this book will move the reader through theory to application, and will remain a timely and important resource that can referenced again and again. This vital resource is also the perfect reference for the practicing professional and the dedicated parent.

Chapter 1: Observation

Chapter 2: Anecdotal Observations and Reporting

Chapter 3: Checklists

Chapter 4: Play-Based Assessment

Chapter 5: Testing-(non-standardized and standardized)

Chapter 6: Providing Examples

Chapter 7: Cognitive Domain

Chapter 8: Emotional Domain

Chapter 9: Social Domain

Chapter 10: Language(receptive and expressive)

Chapter 11: Motor (gross and fine)

Chapter 12: Writing the Background/History Section of the Child Study

Chapter 13: Writing Developmental Domain Summaries

Chapter 14: Presenting the Child Study