도서 상세정보

[07205] Mentor Coaching and Leadership in Early Care and Education

저자Mary Nolan

  • 발행일2006-08-03
  • ISBN9781418005849
  • 정가27,000
  • 페이지수288

도서 소개

This unique guidebook is designed for community college and university level students enrolled in administration and supervision courses and professionals in the field of education who are interested in planning, implementing and evaluating a successful Mentor/Coach-Protégé program for an early care and education staff. The text is aligned to educational initiatives and "Good Start, Grow Smart", and includes such topics as leadership; communication; planning; learning and understanding one's behavior, values, and learning style; and accepting and working with change. A discussion of Emotional Intelligence, Creativity, and Personal/Professional Growth is also included to foster knowledge of how these important topics relate to successful leadership. The text includes many special features such as case studies, descriptions of real-life mentoring situations, and activities for mentor coaches and protégés to participate in.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2:Mentor-Coaching and Leadership

Chapter 3: Mentor-Coaching and Change

Chapter 4: Mentor-Coaching and Planning

Chapter 5: Mentor-Coaching and Communication

Chapter 6: Mentor-Coaching and Learning

Chapter 7: Mentor-Coaching and Values

Chapter 8: Mentor-Coaching and Diversity

Chapter 9: Mentor-Coaching and Creativity

Chapter 10: Mentor-Coaching and Literacy

Chapter 11: Mentor-Coaching and Life/Career Choices

Chapter 12: Mentor-Coaching and Evaluation