도서 소개
This book is the leading learning tool and resource guide on promoting safety and good health and nutrition in young children. The author does an excellent job of demonstrating the critical relationship among health, nutrition, and safety in an easy-to-read, thought-provoking format. Research-based information is used to make practical suggestions for creating high-quality environments that maximize children’s well-being and development. Case studies, review activities, and suggestions for additional reading give readers the tools they need to fully comprehend and use the wealth of information contained within this book. Specific information on diseases and common childhood afflictions, as well as information on such special interest topics as children and medication and cultural diversity in meal planning, gives readers the knowledge they need to encourage healthy practices in children and their families. The “Focus on Families” feature encourages collaboration among parents and teachers in promoting children’s wellness. And, new BMI and growth charts serve in tracking children’s height, weight, and risk of obesity. The author also has updated Web addresses for numerous resource groups and organizations, and she has added a list of children’s book titles that reinforce healthy, safe lifestyles.
저자 소개
Unit 1 : Health, Safety, and Nutrition : An Introduction
Chapter 1 : Interrelationships of Health, Safety and Nutrition
Unit 2 : Health of the Young Child : Maximizing the Child’s Potential
Chapter 2 : Promoting Good Health
Chapter 3 : Health Appraisals
Chapter 4 : Health Assessment Tools
Chapter 5: Conditions Affecting Children’s Health
Chapter 6: The Infectious Process and Effective Control
Chapter 7: Communicable and Acute Illness: Identification and Management
Unit 3: Safety for the Young Child
Chapter 8: Creating Quality Environments
Chapter 9: Safety Management
Chapter 10: Management of Injuries and Acute Illness
Chapter 11: Child Abuse and Neglect
Chapter 12: Planning for Children’s Health and Safety Education
Unit 4: Foods and Nutrients: Basic Concepts
Chapter 13: Nutritional Guidelines
Chapter 14: Nutrients That Provide Energy (Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins)
Chapter 15: Nutrients That Promote Growth of Body Tissue (Proteins, Minerals and Water)
Chapter 16: Nutrients That Regulate Body Functions (Proteins, Minerals, Waters, and Vitamins)
Unit 5: Nutrition and the Young Child
Chapter 17: Infant Feeding
Chapter 18: Feeding the Toddler and Preschool Child
Chapter 19: Planning and Serving Nutritious and Economical Meals
Chapter 20: Food Safety
Chapter 21: Nutrition Education Concepts and Activates