도서 소개
Including popular topics and features from the author’s market-leading textbook, Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, the Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series also offers brand-new material specially designed for in-service teachers of kindergarten through grade 3. Volume 1 is tailored specifically to the early grades, allowing teachers to quickly and easily locate information to implement in their classes. Nearly 200 grade-appropriate activities are included. The student-centered approach will result in successful math students, making these books indispensable for K-3 classroom teachers!
1. Foundations of Student-Centered Instruction.
2. Developing Early Number Concepts and Number Sense.
3. Developing Meaning for the Operations.
4. Helping Children Master the Basic Facts.
5. Base-Ten Concepts and Place Value.
6. Strategies for Whole Number Computation.
7. Geometric Thinking and Geometric Concepts.
8. Developing Measurement Concepts.
9. Early Fraction Concepts.
10. Algebraic Reasoning.
11. Helping Children Use Data.
12. Early Experiences with Probability Concepts.
Appendix A. NCTM Principles and Stan dards for School Mathematics.
Appendix B. Blackline Masters.